Download SHA256: 7f94a5039575c1c5b5c33102d6dd5ca06620c90180df27215c7a502fdad5e8c2
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White-Star MXP (Use branch "Mac" on both repositories)
Release Notes
This version has re-added a fix I put in last year that got wiped out when Moonchild reverted to an older version of NSPR... should improve performance on Big Sur because it can successfully load OpenGL now to enable acceleration.
Update: Minor update to temporarily put FUEL back into the main version as well.
Experimental Build
Download SHA256: 75a66a66e5347771ba9056bb2d309c8894e8aa43c1d5efaed31159d2aa81cdb9
This experimental build is a bit different from the last one, it has the dual system and FUEL put back... and built with gamepad support. So it should be able to run old Firefox extensions. The previous version additionally had WebRTC enabled, but it appears WebRTC support needs to be updated to support the new version of libcubeb. I haven't delved into it yet, but it appears to be an upstream problem, so not sure if I should work on it myself or not... I'll investigate further and if possible release an updated experimental build with WebRTC when I can.
Very cool that you managed to get OpenGL working. I'm trying to build Silver but I'm running into problems because of errors in MediaEngineWebRTC, do you know if this is specific to the mac SDK being used, or if these errors are just legitimate errors that should be fixed on the UXP side? Any ideas what could fix it? I've tried more recent SDKs, since the library has been updated my only assumption is that a more recent SDK would work better with the updated library, however it seems to be the same for all SDKs, except for macOS 11.0 where i get errors before reaching MediaEngineWebRTC.
(08-18-2021, 01:48 PM)noobsoftware Wrote: [ -> ]Very cool that you managed to get OpenGL working. I'm trying to build Silver but I'm running into problems because of errors in MediaEngineWebRTC, do you know if this is specific to the mac SDK being used, or if these errors are just legitimate errors that should be fixed on the UXP side? Any ideas what could fix it? I've tried more recent SDKs, since the library has been updated my only assumption is that a more recent SDK would work better with the updated library, however it seems to be the same for all SDKs, except for macOS 11.0 where i get errors before reaching MediaEngineWebRTC.
As I said in the initial post, WebRTC does NOT build... this version includes an updated libcubeb which is the audio library Mozilla uses... the API was updated and as such I needed to update the Mac code that connects to it... I tried to enable WebRTC for the experimental build but the build failed... if the build errors are referencing cubeb_* APIs then it is the same issue I had. I haven't had a chance to look into it, but I am pretty sure these are not Mac specific failures.... if they are Mac specific I'll work on it and get some patches into the repository to allow WebRTC to build. If they aren't Mac specific, then this is an upstream problem that needs to be fixed on Pale Moon's end. Basilisk has not been updated in the past month, and that is the project that actually has WebRTC enabled on Pale Moon's side... so if these are general issues they will be exposed during a Basilisk build.
Update: I did look into it and it is also a problem for Basilisk, but the changes were fairly straightforward... I am doing a build with WebRTC now... however I am not sure how to test to see if it works or not... what do you use WebRTC for? Google Meet? I guess I can commit the changes to github and you can test it yourself if you want?
White Star Experimental build with WebRTC
Download SHA256: 647f09f78329d08e813d69f37ea37aac1a8aa595298203f86d74928fd5b089aa
I haven't tested WebRTC specifically, but if you can try it out and make sure the audio works. Preliminary patch has been committed to GitHub if you want to try it out in your own build.
(08-18-2021, 08:59 PM)dbsoft Wrote: [ -> ]White Star Experimental build with WebRTC
Download SHA256: 647f09f78329d08e813d69f37ea37aac1a8aa595298203f86d74928fd5b089aa
I haven't tested WebRTC specifically, but if you can try it out and make sure the audio works. Preliminary patch has been committed to GitHub if you want to try it out in your own build.
Cool i will try it out tomorrow, i managed to get it working by bypassing the broken code, here is Silver 1.4.0 with broken RTC audio: but WebRTC works otherwise.
I wonder if 29.4.1 will get built.
If yes, I suggest putting it here. You'll probably disagree.
(08-19-2021, 11:59 AM)KlarkKentThe3rd Wrote: [ -> ]I wonder if 29.4.1 will get built.
If yes, I suggest putting it here. You'll probably disagree.
I updated the build to match Pale Moon, the link now has ... which just added the FUEL Javascript library back in. There is no 29.4.1 yet.
Working well on macOS Monterey Beta
(08-20-2021, 04:46 PM)darksidekevin Wrote: [ -> ]Working well on macOS Monterey Beta
Oh nice! You might be the first to try it on that. I usually install the beta around this time of year to make sure everything works... but I've been extremely busy this year and haven't had a chance yet.