(03-19-2022, 12:38 AM)dbsoft Wrote: Ok so... basically what I am saying is that like 80% of the code changes in Pale Moon 30 are removing stuff I don't think should be removed, and rearranging the files.
I am not in their heads but the reorganization is probably due to one or both of these things:
Trying to prove Goanna is something new and not basically just a fork of Gecko.
Trying to make it difficult for people like me to do forks of Pale Moon.
To me, I would like to keep it organized like Mozilla so changes from them are easier to incorporate.
What I have been doing up to this point, is just following what Pale Moon has been doing and skipping any changes that would break White Star for Mac.
The two options I have are:
To keep doing what I have been... reorganizing the files to match Pale Moon and just skip any change that breaks White Star.
Or... I can just take the changes of interest and put them into my existing tree.
The first option would keep White Star as basically just a Mac version of Pale Moon.
The second option would cause more divergence with the Pale Moon code base, but less divergence from Mozilla.
The second option would be less work to get 30 released.
The second option would make it easier to port changes from Mozilla, like I am doing with my new clang changes.
The second option would give me an excuse to start releasing Windows and Linux versions of White Star.
Obviously, I am leaning towards the second option at this point, but I wanted to get community feedback before I did it.
Think I agree with KlarkKent, 2nd option is probably the goal eventually.
Also, thank you so much for the work you do on this, much appreciated