Dynamic Windows Function [dw_app_id_set]
int dw_app_id_set(char *appid, char *appname)
char *appid: A string typically in the form: com.company.division.application
char *appname: The application name used on Windows or NULL.
int DW_ERROR_NONE after successfully setting the application ID. DW_ERROR_UNKNOWN if unsupported on this system. DW_ERROR_GENERAL if the application ID is not allowed.
Sets the application ID used by this Dynamic Windows application instance.
This must be called before dw_init(). If dw_init() is called first it will create a unique ID in the form: org.dbsoft.dwindows.application or if the application name cannot be detected: org.dbsoft.dwindows.pid.# The appname is only required on Windows. If NULL is passed the detected application name will be used, but a prettier name may be desired.
This API was introduced in version 3.1.