December 21, 2024

Dynamic Windows Function [dw_event_wait]


int dw_event_wait(HEV eve, unsigned long timeout)


HEV eve: The handle to the event returned by dw_event_new().
unsigned long timeout: Milliseconds to wait for the semaphore to post or DW_TIMEOUT_INFINITE.


int DW_ERROR_NONE (0) on success. DW_ERROR_TIMEOUT (2) if the timeout has expired. Other values on other error.


Waits on a semaphore created by dw_event_new(), until the event gets posted or until the timeout expires.


The return codes of this function changed in version 2.0. Please double check any 1.x code that uses this function.

As of version 2.2 DW_TIMEOUT_INFINITE can be passed to never timeout.