December 21, 2024

Dynamic Windows Function [dw_pixmap_bitblt]


void dw_pixmap_bitblt(HWND dest, HPIXMAP destp, int xdest, int ydest, int width, int height, HWND src, HPIXMAP srcp, int xsrc, int ysrc)


HWND dest: Destination window handle.
HPIXMAP destp: Destination pixmap. (choose only one).
int xdest: X coordinate of destination.
int ydest: Y coordinate of destination.
int width: Width of area to copy.
int height: Height of area to copy.
HWND src: Source window handle.
HPIXMAP srcp: Source pixmap. (choose only one).
int xsrc: X coordinate of source.
int ysrc: Y coordinate of source.


Copies from one item to another.