Dynamic Windows Function [dw_print_new]
HPRINT dw_print_new(char *jobname, unsigned long flags, unsigned int pages, void * drawfunc, void * drawdata)
char *jobname: Name of the print job to show in the queue.
unsigned long flags: Flags to initially configure the print object.
unsigned int pages: Number of pages to print.
void * drawfunc: The pointer to the function to be used as the callback.
void * drawdata: User data to be passed to the handler function.
HPRINT A handle to the print object or NULL on failure.
Creates a new print object.
The prototype for the draw_page function is as follows:
int DWSIGNAL draw_page(HPRINT print, HPIXMAP pixmap, int page_num, void *data);
print is the print object created by dw_print_new();
pixmap is a generated pixmap for use drawing the page.
page_num is the page number being called for drawing.
data is the custom data that was specified in dw_print_new();
This API was introduced in version 2.2.