December 21, 2024

Dynamic Windows Function [dw_window_redraw]


void dw_window_redraw(HWND handle)


HWND handle: Toplevel window handle to be redrawn.


Causes entire window to be invalidated and redrawn.


As of Dynamic Windows version 2.3 use of this function should not be required. When operating on a window layout using dw_box_pack*(), dw_window_set_font(), dw_window_set_text() or dw_window_set_bitmap()... the layout will be invalidated and the window will be redrawn automatically on return from the callback.

Prior to 2.3 this function needed to be called on OS/2, Windows and Mac after making changes to the window layout, however GTK would automatically redraw.

The function is still available if the layout needs to be redrawn immediately and waiting for the callback to return would be disadvantageous and for compatibility with existing code.