Dynamic Windows Function [dw_window_set_gravity]
void dw_window_set_gravity(HWND handle, int horz, int vert)
HWND handle: Window (widget) handle.
int horz: DW_GRAV_LEFT (default), DW_GRAV_RIGHT or DW_GRAV_CENTER.
int vert: DW_GRAV_TOP (default), DW_GRAV_BOTTOM or DW_GRAV_CENTER.
Sets the gravity of a given window (widget). Gravity controls which corner of the screen and window the position is relative to.
The horz and vert parameters can be ORed with DW_GRAV_OBSTACLES to have the anchor point be the system obstacle.
Examples of system obstacles: the Taskbar on Windows, the Dock and Menubar on Mac and the WarpCenter/XCenter/eCenter on OS/2.
This API was introduced in version 2.3.