December 21, 2024

Dynamic Windows Function [dwib_load_at_index]


int dwib_load_at_index(HWND handle, char * name, char * dataname, HWND window, HWND box, int index)


HWND handle: A handle to an XML tree.
char * name: The name of the window to load.
char * dataname: Data name of the item to load and pack.
HWND window: Top-level window handle to set the data on.
HWND box: Handle to the box to insert the layout into.
int index: Index in the box to insert the layout into.


int DW_ERROR_GENERAL on error or DW_ERROR_NONE on success.


Loads a part of a window layout specified by dataname with the specified window name from an XML tree and packs it into box at index.


This is part of the Dynamic Windows Interface Builder Library. This is a pre-release API subject to change.